Classical music (classical music English: classical music, German: Klassische Music, French: musique cacique, Italian: music classical) translates literally as ” classical music “. It is used for both religious music and secular music. 


What is commonly referred to as “classical music” today is music from around 1550 to 1900, which corresponds to baroque music, classical music, and romantic music, but the same flow applies to music before and after. Music belonging to is often referred to as classical music today. Practical music that was not made purely for ornamental purposes, such as classical banquet music and Romantic Viennese waltz, is also called classical music today. The main period divisions are shown below. 

Classical Music Classical Music term” is at the earliest 19th century was not used to. Around that time, classical music became distinct from others by an attempt by Johann Sebastian Bach to revive the music of Ludwig van Beethoven ‘s time. The first Oxford English Dictionary was mentioned in classical music in 1836. 

Around the 6th century, the Gregorian chant, a Christian chant, and polyphonic music were born. This is the beginning of medieval Western music. Around the 9th century, Gregorian chant was notated in name notation. This is development, 15 centuries in France of the Burgundy region in the Renaissance music has been established. In the 16th century, the development of full-scale instrumental music and the birth of opera occurred, and court music flourished (baroque music). Music before this is often called early music. After that, in the middle of the 18th century, music spread to the people, and it developed into music called classical music, which emphasized “form” and ” harmonic “. From around this time, music was generally seen as an art. Romantic music with an emphasis on “expression” in the 19th century. A nationalist sect that incorporates the folk songs of each country is also born. Around the 20th century, modern music such as impressionist music expressed by “mood” and “atmosphere” and music without restrictions on harmony and tone was born, and after World War II, it was called contemporary music. It has evolved into free music. 


Ancient music (Korai no Omak, English: Ancient music) refers to music before the 5th century, which is considered to be the beginning of the era of early music. Furthermore, ancient music may be considered separately from prehistoric music. 

Even though it is ancient music, there are various types and regions of music (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, India, China, Japan, Greece, Rome, etc.). Ancient music has the characteristics of simple intervals and scales and is transmitted by oral tradition or letters. 

The oldest whistle in the world  

Is what is believed to the oldest flute, 1995, Slovenia Academy of Arts and Sciences of Slovenia by people paleontologist Ivan Turk in what was discovered in the cave No. Divje Babe1 of Slovenia ” Neanderthal Flute” [1] discussed as Has been done. This is believed to date back to the Middle Paleolithic period 43000 years ago . This was the hollowed-out child badger’s femur, which had several holes. Whether this is a pure musical instrument or just a bone bitten by a carnivore is still under debate. 

Certainly the oldest whistle is a bone whistle from a cave near Ulm, Germany, about 36000 years old, believed to have been used by modern humans. 

The oldest wooden whistle was discovered in 2004 at Greystones, about 27 kilometers south of Dublin, Ireland. It is a 30 to 50 cm whistle made of yew tree, and 6 of them were excavated together. The whistle had a narrower tip, and there was no hole to hold it with a finger. It is possible that these whistles were tied together with a string. 

The oldest song in the world  

Known as the oldest song in the world, it was written in Hurrian on a clay tablet about 3400 years ago excavated from present-day Ugarit in Syria in the early 1950s. I don’t know for sure because the clay tablets are missing. Therefore, the interpretation of the written characters is divided, but the opinion that the song was diatonic is supported. One interpretation says that the song consists of two melodies, another interprets it as a (monophonic) melody part and a rhythm part. 

As for the literature materials, ” Lushi Chunqiu ” -Early Music edition describes the invention of Kabuki by Mr. Katten, and ” History ” -Sima Xiangru Retsuden describes how Mr. Katten ‘s chorus was. There is. The song of Mr. Kuzuten’s clan was sung by a thousand people to reconcile all the people, and it was written that the mountain was shaken and the river was boiled [5]. It can be seen that it seems to have been controlled. 

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